7 Topics to Communicate to Employees in November 2020

November is almost here and that means it’s time to plan your communications for the month. It’s an election year, so we recommend you share content to remind employees to use their voice to vote! Plus, Thanksgiving is right around the corner, but there’s more than just turkey and dressing to communicate about this month. The Great American Smokeout is coming up, it’s “Movember,” and as always, there are national awareness campaigns to promote. Here’s our breakdown of 7 topics we recommend communicating to your employees in November.
1. Vote in the Election

It’s an election year. There are a number of resources and tools that you can share with employees to remind them to vote on November 3rd.
Sample Content: November 3, Check Your Registration, How To Confirm Registration Status, How To Register To Vote, Voter Checklist, How To Make Sure Your Information Is Credible, What is Election Mail?, Voter Guides & Sample Ballots, Unbiased Election Resources
2. Time Change

Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 1st. Remind employees to set their clocks back one hour.
Sample Content: Time Change
3. Great American Smokeout

According to the American Cancer Society, smoking is the largest preventable cause of death and illness in the world, leading to an estimated 480,000 deaths each year. The Great American Smokeout on November 19th is an opportunity for people who smoke to commit to healthy, smoke-free lives. Use this event to encourage your employees to make a plan to quit smoking and highlight resources available to help them.
Sample Content: Great American Smokeout
4. Movember

No, that’s not a typo! Movember is an event that encourages men to grow a mustache in November to raise awareness for men’s health issues. Support the conversation by telling your employees about the Movember movement and offering ways to get involved.
Sample Content: Movember
5. Adoption Awareness Month

Adoption Awareness Month aims to raise awareness for all adoption-related issues, but has a special focus on the adoption of children in foster care. According to Adopt US Kids, there are more than 400,000 children in foster care in the United States. Share information on foster parenting with your employees to help support this issue.
Sample Content: Adoption Awareness Month
6. Diabetes Awareness Month

According to the CDC, over 30 million people in the United States have diabetes, and 1 in 4 of them don’t know they have it. Take time to educate employees on the risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes and the steps they can take to lower their risk.
Sample Content: Diabetes Awareness Month
7. Thanksgiving Office Closure & Wellness Tips

Thanksgiving is about spending time with loved ones and taking time to appreciate what we have. But for many, Thanksgiving can also mean stressful travel days and unhealthy eating. Help employees stay on track and have a smoother holiday by sharing travel and wellness tips. It’s also a good idea to remind employees if the office will be closed for Thanksgiving.
Sample Content: Office Closure, Travel, Budget Challenge, Nutrition Challenge, Giving Back
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