6 Topics to Communicate to Employees in May 2022

Every month, Airbo provides you with suggested topics to communicate to employees as part of your Annual Communications Plan. The topics are based on hundreds of data points regarding what our customers communicate each month of the year.
It might feel like time is standing still during the pandemic, but the calendar continues to change. We made it through the April showers, and May is just around the corner with flowers and hints of summer. Employees are facing unprecedented challenges in the workplace and at home, so it’s important to keep communicating consistently. Here are our top picks for what to communicate to employees in May.
1. May Holidays

This month starts off with May Day on May 1, a day that is traditionally celebrated with dancing, singing, flowers, and cake. A few days later, Cinco de Mayo is Tuesday, May 5, a great time to share healthy recipes for Mexican food to enjoy on this fun holiday. Sunday, May 10 is Mother’s Day – be sure to celebrate the moms at your company and wish them a happy day. Finally, Memorial Day is Monday, May 25. Memorial Day honors the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day office closures are also the unofficial start of the summer season. While there may still be some restrictions for public safety during the coronavirus crisis, employees can still enjoy backyard family fun with barbecues, picnics, and gardening.
Sample Content: What is May Day, Happy Mother’s Day!, Cinco de Mayo Recipes, Healthy Recipe of the Week: Tomatillo tortilla soup, Office Closure: Happy Memorial Day!, Nutrition Challenge: Make your own condiments, Nutrition Challenge: Grill tonight, Fitness Challenge: Get outside!
2. Summer Workplace Policies

For many companies, the end of May kicks off summer policies and peak vacation season. Remind everyone how to submit paid time off (PTO) requests. If your workplace is open now or will reopen soon, share the summer dress code and flex schedule guidelines so that employees can stay professional while being a bit more relaxed in the hot summer months.
Sample Content: Summer PTO requests, Summer flex hours are almost here!, It’s time for our summer dress code!
3. Mental Health Awareness Month

Approximately 1 in 5 adults in the United States will experience a mental illness in a given year. Especially during this unprecedented time of physical distancing, we’re all facing new circumstances that could exacerbate mental health issues. Let employees know about the mental health resources that you offer, such as your Employee Assistance Program and the mental health options available through your company health insurance.
Sample Content: Spring cleaning for mental health, May is National Mental Health Month, Understanding mental health, Mindfulness Challenge: Employ the mental health benefits of yoga, Benefits Spotlight: Employee Assistance Program
4. Allergies

May is the worst month for pollen allergies. It’s easy to confuse allergy symptoms with signs of colds or other illnesses, especially during this time when we are all on high alert for COVID-19. Share tips for identifying and treating seasonal allergies, and highlight telemedicine options so that employees can seek medical advice without leaving home.
Sample Content: Is it allergies or a cold?, April showers bring May flowers and… allergies, May is the worst month for pollen allergies – here are 4 tips to help, Reminder: Telemedicine is a free resource for you and your dependents!
5. Skin Cancer Awareness Month

As we start to venture outside again, it’s the perfect time for reminders about sun protection. Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States, but the good news is that there are things we can do to protect ourselves from UV rays. This month, remind employees to wear sunscreen and schedule their preventative skincare screenings.
Sample Content: May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month, Protect yourself against the sun, Nutrition Challenge: Eat your sunscreen!, The lowdown on SPF, Nutrition Challenge: Add sun-protective vitamins to your diet
6. National Lyme Disease Awareness Month

The CDC estimates that over 300,000 Americans are diagnosed with Lyme disease each year. This month, help spread awareness about Lyme Disease and share tips about how to prevent this bacterial infection, which is transmitted by ticks.
Sample Content: May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month
These are the six topics that we recommend communicating in May. We hope this saved you some time so you can get out into the sunshine while still maintaining consistent communication with employees throughout the month.
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