8 Topics to Communicate to Employees in March 2021

Every month, Airbo provides you with suggested topics to communicate to employees as part of your Annual Communications Plan. The topics are based on hundreds of data points regarding what our customers communicate each month of the year.
Spring is on the way and it’s time to plan your communications for March. Timely topics include a clock change, tax season, and FSA deadlines. Throughout March, you can also celebrate Women’s History Month and focus on health and wellness themes such as nutrition, sleep, and cancer prevention.
Here’s our breakdown of 8 topics we recommend communicating to your employees in March.
1. Time Change

Now that many smartphones and other connected devices automatically update the time, it’s easy to forget about the time change. In the second week of the month, remind employees to set their old-school clocks and watches an hour forward on Sunday, March 14. That way they’ll be on time for work on Monday!
Sample Content: Don’t forget to spring forward, Daylight savings affecting your sleep?
2. Tax Information

Tax season is in full swing, and all employees should have received their 1095-C and W-2 statements by now. Let them know who they should contact if they haven’t received their tax forms yet, and provide a few friendly tips about filing their taxes.
Sample Content: Taxes are due April 15, 2021, Don’t Let Taxes Stress You Out, Reminder: Your W-2 form is now available
3. FSA Rollover Changes

A new pandemic relief bill has been passed and could have an impact on employees utilizing an FSA. One of the many provisions allows those who have FSAs to roll over the remainder of their accounts from 2020 to 2021 and from 2021 to 2022.
Sample Content: Use It or Lose It No More: Changes to Your FSA , Benefit Spotlight: Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
4. Women’s History Month

March is Women’s History Month. This is a chance to recognize women’s contributions to your industry and celebrate the women at your company. Monday, March 8 is International Women’s Day, a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, as well as a call to action for accelerating women’s equality.
Sample Content: Happy International Women’s Day!, How to Celebrate International Women’s Day, How to Support Women at Work
5. National Nutrition Month

Good nutrition helps reduce the risk of many diseases, including obesity, heart disease, and some cancers, according to the CDC. Learning healthy eating habits doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Celebrate National Nutrition Month in March with tips about small changes to improve nutrition. This year’s theme is “Eat Right, Bite by Bite,” which supports the philosophy that every little bit (or bite!) of nutrition is a step toward better health.
Sample Content: March is National Nutrition Month, Nutrition Challenge: Eat more fiber, Nutrition Challenge: Try something new, Nutrition Challenge: Sneak in a fruit or vegetable, Nutrition Challenge: Protein alternatives, Quick Spring Inspired Recipes
6. World Sleep Day

Sleep is an important part of your health and well-being. World Sleep Day is March 19, 2021. Raise awareness about the importance of healthy sleep and highlight your company’s sponsored wellness programs, like Redbrick or Rally Health, especially if they have sleep challenges.
Sample Content: World Sleep Day, Mindfulness Challenge: Set a technology curfew, Nutrition Challenge: Nighttime hunger pangs? Try drinking a glass of water, Fitness Challenge: Do yoga before bed
7. Colon Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal cancer is expected to cause more than 53,000 deaths in 2021, according to the American Cancer Society. The good news is early detection and improved treatment options have helped improve survival rates in recent years. This month, highlight the importance of preventive care screening, which catches cancers such as colon cancer.
Sample Content: March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month, Benefit Spotlight: Cancer Advocacy Service
8. COVID-19 Myths

There is plenty of misinformation out there on COVID-19 so it’s important to separate what is true and what is false. Make sure employees are provided with the facts so they can continue to navigate life during the pandemic.
Sample Content: COVID-19 Vaccine Facts vs Myths, Myth: Taking the COVID-19 vaccine will give me COVID-19, Myth: COVID-19 vaccines were rushed, so they cannot be trusted, Myth: I have recovered from COVID-19, so I don’t need to get a vaccine, Myth: You’ll need to pay for the COVID-19 vaccine, Myth: Once I get the vaccine, I won’t have to wear a mask, Myth: The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines will alter my DNA, Myth: COVID-19 vaccines cause severe & dangerous side effects, Myth: The COVID-19 vaccine can affect women’s fertility, MYTH: The COVID-19 vaccine was developed with controversial substances
That’s our recommendation for what to communicate in March. We hope this saved you some time so you can get out and enjoy the first signs of spring.
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