6 Topics to Communicate to Employees in July 2020

Every month, Airbo provides you with suggested topics to communicate to employees as part of your Annual Communications Plan. The topics are based on hundreds of data points regarding what our customers communicate each month of the year.
Touch base with employees in July to remind them about this year’s unusual tax deadline, a mid-year contact information update, and seasonal safety and wellness tips. Plus, spotlight hepatitis screening and UV safety this month. Here are the themes we suggest for your employee communications in July.
1. Independence Day and Firework Safety

Wish employees a happy Independence Day and let them know when your office will close for the holiday. While 4th of July parades might be canceled this year, many people will be celebrating at home. Remind everyone about best practices for fireworks safety.
Sample Tiles: Happy Independence Day!, Firework safety
2. Tax Deadline

The 90-day extension for 2019 tax returns is here. This year, more than ever, it’s easy to forget when taxes are due. Remind employees that the filing and payment deadline is July 15, 2020.
Sample Tiles: Reminder: Taxes are due July 15, 2020
3. National UV Safety Month

As we all head outside to enjoy the sun, it’s the perfect time for National UV Safety Month. Share tips for proper sunscreen application and how to avoid harmful rays while still enjoying summer activities.
Sample Tiles: July is UV safety month, Protect yourself against the sun, The lowdown on SPF, Nutrition Challenge: Eat your sunscreen!
3. Update Contact Info & Beneficiaries

As we head into the second half of the year, it’s a good time to make sure everyone’s contact information is up-to-date. Remind employees to update their addresses, phone numbers, and beneficiaries to reflect anything that changed in 2020.
Sample Tiles: Review and update your beneficiaries, Is your emergency contact info accurate?
4. Summer Wellness and Safety

This can be a tricky season for safety hazards. We’re often more active in the summertime, which can lead to risk of injuries. In addition to the fireworks reminder and UV safety focus that we mentioned above, focus on summer wellness and safety this month. Share tips for summertime nutrition, swimming safety, and more.
Sample Tiles: Summer safety with kids, Pool and water safety, Heat-related illness — recognize the symptoms, Nutrition Challenge: Make summer salads, Nutrition Challenge: Skip the ice cream
5. World Hepatitis Screening Day
Tuesday, July 28 is World Hepatitis Day. As many as 290 million people are unaware that they are living with viral hepatitis. Encourage people to get screened now.
Sample Tiles: World Hepatitis Screening Day is July 28, Are you up-to-date on health screenings?
That’s what we recommend planning for your HR communications calendar this month. We hope these suggestions help you kick off the second half of the year.
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